Palm Sunday
This week we celebrate Jesus coming into Jerusalem. Why did he come, what was his purpose? Many times we simply answer, “Well he came to give his life as a ransom for many and to save us from our sins.”
So that is it? But why did he save us from our sins? Answer: So that we move from a life of self-centeredness to a life lived in love and generosity towards others.
Now this can’t be experienced alone. It must be lived out with other people. We experience this as we join with others in the household of God. With them we practice our new life of love. We call this group of people the oikos (the household of God). Often called the church.
As we come together each week as the oikos, we are reorientated towards this new life by Gods word and the sacraments. We are recharged. Each Sunday and during the week we practice loving these ‘other saved ones’, then from the experience of the oikos, we go out to live this new life, this new culture, in the world. In our homes, in our work places and our recreation spaces.
In summary then: Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? So that he could establish his oikos –his community – in the world and thereby change the world from a culture of self-centeredness to one that is selfless and loving.
Pastor Robert